Hard decision. Office job? Remote job? Start a business?

Hard decision. Office job? Remote job? Start a business?

Things are getting a little more complicated in our journey. We have been forced to make a hard decision and chose to volunteer a bit to save some money. After some surfing online we found ourselves a new home in Kuala Lumpur through WorkAway.

Our first week here has not been the hardest. We have to water the garden, clean the house and do some small extras every day, around 2 hours of work per day in exchange for free accommodation.

After blood, sweat and tears, we can spend our time here however we want. There are books, board games, terrace to sunbathe and work out, and fast WiFi opening the online world. Just endless possibilities to spend our days.

Looks like a chill life? It would be, it really would. Just there are other reasons why we are here. We need time to make future plans for our journey. And this place here, a huge Chinese house from the 1970s, offer a perfect opportunity to do it.

Where to go next? When to go home? 

Yes, we are looking for answers to those two simple questions. But how to start?

First, search from where and when it’s cheapest to fly back to Tallinn and then create a fascinating route from current location to there. It shouldn’t take too much time. It would be fun research, googling photos of the place we would want to see and things we want to do.

I am thinking about the hard decision even in tea plantation.
Can tea bushes help me to decide what to do?

But there is one constraint that disturbs our joyful planning, makes us a bundle of nerves and obstructs our travelling here. Can you guess what it might be? Correct, it’s money.

We have a clear overview of our assets thanks to our habit to count all daily expenses. And we know how long we will survive here with our current reserves. Spoiler, not too long.

So this is it, end of our sweet journey. Have to quickly fly back home, and search for a job there. If we would just have more money…

Truth be told, I have never liked this when someone is complaining about money. Usually, if some people don’t have money to do something, then they are probably spending it somewhere else, meaning that they value other things more. Then it’s not lack of money, just other priorities.

And if someone really has too little in pockets, then there are many ways to earn extra. 

So, Mart, why wouldn’t you make some money?

Emm… you see, it’s not so easy, there are so many questions and ifs.

  • Where to start?
  • What do I want to do?
  • Am I any good? What skills do I have?
  • Where can I earn most money?
  • What job is the most interesting? 
  • Where to work? In Asian countries or in Estonia? Or somewhere else?
  • How to find jobs?
  • How will I get chosen? Especially in a foreign country?
  • Maybe I will start a business instead?

And the list goes on… 

One would recommend looking at a big picture. Where do I want to be in 5 or 10 years?  And from there come back to today and think what would benefit me most.

Truth is, I want to live a location independent lifestyle and work towards financial freedom.

In that case, taking a location dependent job is not the smartest decision. It would make sense only if I would want to learn something for the future,  I really like to live in this one place, and it’s short term. Or I need to take it just out of necessity.

Another possibility is to try to find a remote job. There are so many jobs that could be done location independently. No matter how many times I scroll similar lists, I don’t see any purchasing, supply chain manager or football coach jobs there. Anything I have done beforeTurns out I have no qualification and very little skills to do anything location independently.

Alright, if I don’t qualify for someone else’s jobs, then I should create it to myself by starting a business. If everything goes well then it could be most gainful road to take in long term. Again, there are dozens of ways to make money on the roadBut opening an own business is very risky. First I would have to invest time and money, learn new things, and there is no agreed monthly salary. Maybe I end up wasting all my money without making any?

Still, somehow I need to make the hard decision…

So, now I am sitting here looking at a screen. Thinking about the questions…

  • Should I start looking at local job portals?
  • Learn new skills for location independent jobs?
  • Work towards starting a business?

…while listening Will Smith video on background. Just decide!

Sometimes I wish that there would be someone to show me the road and give instructions. Then I won’t be accountable for my decision and could blame someone else if things don’t work out.

But who will then live with consequences caused by this bad decision? Me.

Who will learn and make better choices in the future? Not me.

This is me who has to make the hard decision and decide which route to take.

Now the question is, how to make a good decision?

Do you have any suggestions? Would love to see them in comments…

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